Here is the gallery.
I have to say it is wonderful to have the dogs visiting us. I so missed them completely!
It is Dennis day off and it is a riot how they watch him use his VR. They must think he is a martian with his mats on the floor and headset over his head and eyes waving his hands every which way. One wonders what the dogs are thinking but they are used to it now. The more they get exposed to strange things the better off they are.
I weeded part of the path and the dogs was forever grabbing pieces and running with it. It was such a game for some. They had smirks on their faces too. It created so much extra work but it was funny.
It was a frustrating day as Nathan had to do errands. I have grooming to do and Dennis was in bed. It added to my load to the point that I am putting in the calendar that Thursday is not viable to go here and there while I am multi-tasking. Besides, I have this bum knee that makes fast movement impossible.
Spirit is not eating except when she wants to and when other dogs see she got extras - well they want them too. LOL They all get extras but they want extra extras.
All the dogs genuinely like each other. I find that amazing when most people have someone they dislike. The havanese - well it is a havanese so what's not to like?
When Nathan sits outside and he often does, the dogs surround him and lay all over him. I find it to be a riot!