
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
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Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.

Entries in havanese puppy daycare in toronto (19)


Two of the Havanese Guys Leaving Us Today

Weaver Loving the RunWeaver is the first to leave us about 1pm.

We are going to miss the guy. He has been bathed and spruced up and wow the house will change without all of the guys.

Weaver found his place with all playing like a banshee. He especially loved the retrieval games and the running and walks.

We are going to miss him.

The house changes whenever a bunch goes home at once.

Charlie yesterday, today Weaver and then Jay tonight.

Jay After Bath

Now what will we do without Jay?

Jay is in love with Treasure. Wherever Jay was, Treasure was always.

It was rare moments that this occurred. We did walks with others just to give him a chance to bond with the others and it worked but there was something intoxicating about Treasure.

I think she will have less knots not wearing Jay but to watch them enjoy each other was delightful. He will be missed and I do believe Treasure will probably shed a tear and then start back playing with Fiona. We shall see.

Tomorrow we get Chico, Jasper's brother and it will be a delight to see the boys together plus we will have played recovery fully. hehehe

Ah puppies... Now to get grooming done, rinse and clean up Wasabi and play with the crew.


It's Way Fun & Crazy Around Here

I am Fiona and they say sometime in February, I am going to have a new beau and have more puppies. My human mom and dad was going to wait but my new boyfriend is getting the snip, snip so it's Feb/March or never. ROFL That means I could be having pups at the beginning of the summer. Maybe they will swim?

Well, we are having a great time around here. Unfortunately, Fred went home and so did Zack, Coco, Holly and Missy. But Remy came and he's way fun too! Check out today's photos.

We are ringing in the New Year's with a few pals that really know how to have fun. It's wet. That crazy human keeps brushing us and we are hoping for white stuff tomorrow.

We had a roaring great game of retrieve and as you will see, Benny came in from his walk soaking wet and then one after another wet, wet, wet. Ah - but it was fun....

Hope you all ring in the New Year right. We are doing it right with the dawgs. May 2010 be a better year for us all...

Hugs to all the Havanese and dawgs all over the world. They deserve hugs and kisses!

CU next year (tomorrow)


Mingle, Mingle, Mingle

"I know that my havanese needs to have doggie friends, but he is so small that I don't feel safe when we are at the dog park. There are huge dogs there that could hurt or kill him, and when the big dogs start to play, they are so rough that they might injure him even if they didn’t mean to.

We have all heard this mantra before and we do need to be aware what other dogs are saying or going to do without creating more anxiety in our dawgs than what already exists. It is important that dogs socialize. They need to get comfortable with other dogs especially safe ones.

You have to be careful not to flood a dog with too much. It's why we practice one on one and keep adding and even then a truly skittish dog will take some time to come around. We are aware of that and are proactive always helping things along to make sure a boarder or someone that comes for the day has a 'good' experience.

It takes time for a dog that is not used to having others to play with to find their play but we have an excellent pack and they are used to visitors.

Socializing is key to getting your dawg to be well rounded.

You can do it with boarding or daycare or obedience classes etc. Any SAFE environment where your well being of your dawg is important. Even a visit with your dawg to Pawsway can be a good experience.

We have bred dogs to be perpetual puppies. When in the company of other dogs, their natural inclination is to act like puppies, with playful games of chase or wrestling with that rough and tumble frenzy similar to what we see in human children of preschool age. This can produce bonds of friendship between dogs and can become a positive and friendly attitude toward all other canines.

However, in some cases, such forms of rough play can produce antagonistic relationships and attitudes. This is not uncommon when dogs have been allowed to run in an off-leash park area or have been placed in a doggie daycare where they interact with dogs of mixed sizes and temperaments in a generally unsupervised way. Under such circumstances, dogs may actually develop a general hostility or fear toward all unfamiliar dogs rather than acquiring canine friends.

You *can* create issues not intended. Be sure supervision is a part of the equation.

We go out with our dogs even when it is bitter cold. We use the time to play games, pick up poo, take photos and watch the dogs interacting. This way we can see what relationships are forming. It's important for us.

Socialization IS important but do it right.

Today we have Bailey and Cesar visiting. Nathan has done a marathon of walking today. Usually I do it with him but I had dawgs that are leaving and that means baths and brushing and we had our sons came in so we did a turkey.

Max and Missy just went home today and they will be missed. The pack is truly enjoying each other - visitors alike. We played retrieve and the dawgs had bones to gnaw on today. I swear they all looked like they were in pure bliss. It was nice!

What did you do with your dawgs today?


Wow Such Fun Indeed!

Who do we have here today...well Saki and Missy.

We also have Bailey who came yesterday and Max who came today and Cesar who has been here for awhile.

The crew is really meshing and playing well.

Bailey was hesitant her first night but she slept next to me in her bed with her head nudging mine. It was so sweet. She also hung out on my lap and got the lay of the land but today - well she is playing up a storm. With whom? Max, Cesar, Fiona (she really likes Fiona), Abigail and Kat.

Cesar has become way comfie and eats in his shiny bowl daily. He is a regular play monster and has decided if you are not playing - well I will get you to.

Max is playing with Cesar and Bailey tonight or maybe refereeing. Missy is also getting into the fun. The night has just begun!

The crew has been on walks - outside and inside a million and a half times and yes we go out with them. How do you think we get these pictures and besides who would want to miss the moments - not I.

If you want to see a glimpse of today, check out these photos.


Slow Conditioning

Cesar's human parents told us that Cesar had an issue with shiny bowls. He simply didn't like them and wouldn't eat from them. Each dog tends to have quirks about different things but you can get them by it by slow conditioning.

Our golden saw a raccoon in our pool house up in the rafters one year and for eons had a moment of - looking up and worrying if it was going to come back. She's past it now but that was due to persistence.

I tend to believe we - all humans and dawgs have our own fears and we tend to be proactive about getting our dawgs past them. No one should be a prisoner of their own fears.

Cesar has no issues with anything else - a rather brave and happy soul but all dogs have something. That you haven't seen it only means you haven't been exposed to it yet. It can be as simple as that silly moving Christmas figurine that you see on your walks or the paper flying through the air or the garage door etc. But instead of avoiding, you should do slow conditioning. You do not saturate but you play a slow game of exposure till it's just part of their lives and that fear goes away.

We only fear what we do not know.

As you can see, Cesar is eating from a shiny bowl on day 5. He absolutely reacted that first day so out came a ceramic bowl and no issue. We didn't force the issue but just exposed. Each day Nathan surrounded him with the bowls and fed each dog closer and closer to him till today when he put his own shiny bowl down, Cesar ate without a single concern.

It is NORMAL for canines and humans to have fears. It's the use of slow conditioning that gets us by them.

Cesar and Daisy are wonderful dawgs. Although Daisy thinks she must play at the witching hour and pounces on my chest to play and lick my face, she's learning - it's not 6am yet.

Cesar uses a crate at night per a request from his owners and willingly goes into it to sleep. Daisy sleeps on the bed as that is what she does at home. All of our dawgs except the Golden's sleep on the bed including the visitors except when requested otherwise.

It was great to have a sea of dawgs keeping us warm. Even though we have the house much warmer than some of our friends with their open window - tsk tsk, it was way cold last night despite the furnace kicking in so the body hugs was nice!

Last night we had Missy and Holly's parents come to visit. Missy has boarded with us before and she is one of the most agile dawgs next to Gidget, Louis and Wasabi that we ever did see.

She hasn't been here for quite sometime so we did the one on one with her and her pack mate sister Holly. We do not believe in starting a visit with the dawgs being overwhelmed but feel a slow conditioning - 1 at a time introduction is a must even with dawgs that have come here before and aren't the partying types.

There are few that are the life of the party and relishes the crowd from the onset like Teddy.

Oh, they all get to be as the visit goes on but each has their own comfort zone and timetable. I don't like being immersed in a sea of strangers at a party though Nathan would have no issue with it. Each of us are different and that's a good thing.

We also gain our comfort levels being exposed to other people's (dawgs) strengths.

It doesn't make us better or worse - just unique. Think if we were all the same how B-O-R-I-N-G that would be.

Here's a photo of Holly who seems to be quite okay with the activity at Talemaker. She's in for a treat when she comes visit us. She's a tiny thing so we will be using our sweaters on her - watching her carefully to make sure it's not too cold for her and doing the same with the older set.

This morning it was too cold for the older crew to be out beyond 5 minutes at a time so we go out with them many times throughout the day and hopefully it will be warm enough today around noon to get a walk in. There are those rare moments where it is simply too cold to do just that and safety is more of a concern so we instead play games in the house - all sorts of silly games and the dawgs get tuckered out despite the lack of a chunk of outside play at a time.

People tell us all the time that their dawgs go home and almost sleep for 2 days. Why? They have such a jam packed vacation with us filled with fun that they need to regroup from the holiday. I am sure you humans know what that means. Unless your holiday takes you to a beach where you do nothing but lay around - if you are sight seeing etc. and doing biking, trekking etc - you come home - and then say - ah - it's good to be home - even though that holiday was AMAZING, I need to relax and enjoy home. Your canines do the same thing.

So, just because your dawgs are having the time of their life, they are so thrilled to see you and need that down time till the next time.

Stay warm folks - it's very cold out today. Pay attention to your dawgs feet - their bodies and bring them in when they are cold even if it's after 5 minutes.


First True Snowstorm of '09

Well, I woke up to snow - took the crew out without jackets and went oh oh but it was fine. It wasn't shovelled yet but Nathan started doing that and Dennis finished the back. I haven't looked at the front.

After my Tony Horton p90x (2nd day) for my mind and body, we got the jackets out and I first took Risa and Kat for a walk. You will see the photos below and what worked in the way of jackets and what didn't and why.

I truly tried to laugh at it all! Poor Treasured - oh the Treasured one!

PS: We are offering daycare and boarding. The dawgs have a real blast and so do we!

Check it out below or click here to see a larger view.

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Another Wasaabi Puppy Visit

Saki came to visit and I was able to get a better photo of her than Chewie as she posed for me. She's a gal with atti-tude.

Chewie was high driven play cutie - always on the go type. Oh Saki can be too but she paced herself making it easier to capture a photo.

Saki is a high jetting traveller and is back to Texas for the holidays. She likes the city but something about her owner putting on flip flops with all that cruel weather there - NOT - well she thinks that is some great lifestyle. I do too...hehehehe

Everytime she wants cool, crisp air - well she just flies on back there. Wait till she sees snow when she comes back after the holidays.

Saki had her first hairdo at Valerie Weston's salon.

Chewie and Saki have that love of life and that's so nice to see. It was a delight to see them both.

We hope Saki's human mom feels better. She's under the weather so we are sending out paws-i-tive vibes her way.

Nathan ran around with the dawgs - what a guy - in his usual fashion despite he had tripped earlier today on something and really hurt his back and I mean really hurt it. Anything for the dawgs.

They adore it and I love seeing them run with him.

Now even though we play in the back and we do play with the crew - retrieve - running - fun games, we still get in a walk a day with each and every one of them.

It's important for their minds and bodies. Mine too. hehehehe

Good news, Risa has dropped her weight. She was becoming too heavy. She is now 1lb away from her goal and feeling great and active as all get out. It's wonderful to see. It's amazing what a little weight off can do to the energy level.

How did we do it? Walks - less food and only 1 treat at grooming time. She wasn't happy that first month - whining and looking for food but now she's adjusted and health wise and activity wise - she's a much happier gal and we probably added time to her life. We indeed added quality of life to her regiment

Now it's my turn as soon as the pups are gone.

This losing weight business - well it ain't easy.

Get out, rake some leaves and play with your Havanese and have someone take photos. I would love to see! We may even be able to get it into next year's calendar.


Vinegar and Oil

Oh this duo is always trying to do a one upmanship.

It reminds us of two of our daughters. They either adore each other or they think the other one has to be beneath them as they are top dawg!
I just love both from the bottom of my heart but they - mostly that Treasie keeps you on your toes thinking.

The younger set actually play quite well with the older set and scramble up and down the stairs with ease. It's amazing!

Each day we take them out at least 4 times a day and then run around like banshees and sleep a deep dawgie sleep. Activity equals sleep.


Wet & Dirt

Oh my - and one wonders why I give baths before the guests go home. Well, I do groom them daily but as you can see, they will go in the pool, run through the garden and look - well another colour. One wonders why we don't have carpets.

It is a HOLIDAY you know for the dawgs!

Well, Remy goes home tomorrow night and we will just be down to Missy as our guest til Friday night. Each time someone goes home, the house changes. Then the pack gets back to being their usual and then it starts again. It's great socialization for the guests and for the pack as well. Even the most hesitant dog seems to find him/herself. I rather like that!


Children & Havanese

Are Havanese good with children? We are often asked that question. Havanese can be amazing with children as long as they treat them 'right'. Just as they shouldn't tease other children, they shouldn't tease a Havanese either. Yes, they are playful but they can get hurt.

Havanese will bond to whomever treats them right and 'special' just as we tend to.

An addition of a Havanese with children in the house should take some thought. Do you have time? Will it be a welcomed addition? Will you find time to walk, train and invest cuddle time? If you do, that lifetime bond with your child(ren) can be unlike anything else.

Havanese can teach your children critical development understanding if approached the right way.

On the emotional level, pets can teach children many things:

Communication: Children learn the subtle cues their Havanese give them to indicate their feelings. They can later apply this lesson to human interaction because they are more attuned to watching for body posture.

Empathy: Children often become curious about the emotions their Havanese feel. This curiosity will extend itself to others. Animals offer an avenue for children to explore their curiosity. For a child, curiosity can lead to hope and to greater engagement with the world around them.

Nurturing skills: If properly supervised by adults, a child learns how to take care of another living being, and takes pleasure in keeping the Havanese healthy and happy.

Confidence: Children go through life under constant evaluation. They are rated by their behavior, grades and athletic performance. This is especially true of middle school children. A Havanese has no such expectations; they're delighted that the child is with them. Pets give children the sense of unconditional acceptance. No judging or rating is involved.

Resilience to change: Children who undergo traumatic experiences often cope better when they have a pet to confide in. Loneliness is very dangerous to children. Having an animal companion can make them feel a part of something. By adding a sport that they can share with their dog, junior handling etc - they immediately become part of a whole. Even without, they are now a dog owner and people love to stop and talk to those walking dogs.

A study published in 2000 explored the relationship between pets and children. Specifically, the study, conducted by a child psychologist in New Mexico, looked at the effect dog ownership had on 10- to 12-year-old children. The researcher, Robert E. Bierer, Ph.D., was surprised at the difference in empathy and self-esteem between pre-adolescences who owned a dog and those who did not.

Bierer's conclusions support the growing body of evidence that shows dog ownership has "statistically significant" impact on self-esteem and sensitivity toward others. He noted that teachers, parents and other children have expectations for a child to fulfill. A pet has no such measures of success or failure; acceptance is total, which provides a sense of self worth.

This doesn't necessarily mean that all children are ready for a Havanese. Parents should first make sure their child desires a pet before rushing out to get one. Make sure health testing is done. Don't buy from a pet store. Find a breeder who cares enough to do health testing.

Together, (you, your child and all family members) should decide what type of pet is best. Don't select one for colour. Colours can change in the Havanese and - well personalities - that fit should be right.

Moreover, don't assume your child will take care of the dog. The ultimate responsibility usually falls on the parent, not the kid, to make sure the pet is happy, healthy and trained.

Back to lovin' and playing with our gang on this rainy Saturday.


Havanese: I am Unsure Daddy

Abs went to handling class last night and had a grand time seeing everyone. She seems to get along with everyone.

But then we went to go pick up some things from another dog person for the big Havanese HFC specialty that is happening near Halloween near the airport in Toronto and she saw a 3 legged dog and the tail went down, the hiding started and she just didn't know how to handle it.

The person we went to see, Paula told Nathan to pay attention to the 3 legged dog to get Abs 'getting' that the dog was okay. Then she started telling me and I knew but was rather surprised that she was reacting that way. I was lost in the 'surprise.'

Paula mentioned she had a 3 legged dog and her pack reacted the same at first. She mentioned it was the hopping and that made sense. Paula does rescue and therefore has a great deal of experience with it.

I find this to be interesting. No matter how grounded a dog can be, how socialized - it can still have something that seems to be so unusual to them that they don't know how to react.

I rather wish we had a 3 legged dog that she could get to know but we don't. This was a fair distance from our house but it tells me no matter how much you socialize them - there is always something they can be conditioned to and therefore learn - gain grounding and be a better dog for it.

The point is - keep socializing and pet that dog that your little one is afraid of and ignore your own so they 'get' the idea that this dog is fun and okay. It may not work the first time but keep at it and each time, well that unsure behaviour will dissipate.


Handling Class

Can I get away with mucking up in the dirt and then having Mommy say - well you are going anyways even if I need a bath - yep Abigail. A dawg has to do what a dawg has to do.

More later on how to handle - I don't want to do anything but play.


Havanese Flying & Pups

If you check out Yvonne's site - Chicadoro Havanese you will see our visit this weekend. There's lots of puppy pics from running, to playing to even sticking out their tongue at another. The pups are a riot. Check them out.

Well, the weather is good seeing it's almost the end of the season. Not a raindrop in the sky. Nathan hit the pool with the pups and I went out there with camera in hand and caught Kat jumping in the pool.

Check it out and be sure to click on the pics to see a larger view.

I also managed to get out in the pool after I caught the action.

Can you believe the rain this year? Well, they say NO RAIN this week and that makes Havanese - well our Havanese happy campers.

Have you ever seen a Havanese look at the rain and say - hmm not me - no, I am not going out!

Then there are the kind that adore it. We have both. We force the ones that don't to grin and bear it so to speak. We place them smack, dab in the middle of the grass and tell them to do their duty but it's a riot watching the feet getting lifted as if to say, Daddy - that's wet grass - oooh.

Kat doesn't mind the wet grass. He doesn't mind the rain and he can't get enough of the pool. I guess he's a water dog.

It's as if it's his job. Every dog needs a job.

Well, we got to hang out with visitors, had walks, went swimming - life is good this Labour Day weekend - I tell ya. It's what the entire summer should have been like.

All our visitors have gone home, sniff, sniff.

Still, it's time to regroup - concentrate on us and then get ready for whomever is coming next.

Splash - ready for a cool down? We are...Havanese hitting the water and it's almost the end of summer.

Catch you tomorrow and here at Talemaker, we are hoping you end your long weekend in the company of a Havanese. It couldn't get any better than THAT!


Stop the Presses: Havanese in Action

We open the back door, I sit at the end of the deck and they come running at me so I can point and click.

I look at Risa and wonder if she ever was brushed in her lifetime.

I just adore that natural look.

Oh, she is brushed daily - actually just finished doing the crew, cleaning eyes, checking ears etc but those messy moments - well I treasure them as that is when a dog is being a dog.

There's nothing wrong with those dogs that just hang out but be still my heart when you see one leap or get creative or use their brains to get what they want. That brain, if cultivated is a wonderful thing.

Kat always seems to manage to get out the door first. What is that about? Is he quicker?

Well, perhaps but he is also an alpha who thinks it's all about him. Oh yeah - we have a few of those. He is also the most athletic of the crew so far but the puppies haven't matured yet and I have a feeling he best watch out in that department.

Here's Abs in the middle of the crew looking quite like a bear these days. She's happiest just playing. She doesn't care where she fits in she just has to fit in and they all love her for that.

Funny, even she is showing assertive moments lately. She tends to do tag team stuff with Fiona if it suits her cause - meaning what she is going to get out of it.

Our crew all eats together but we are on diets - most of us except puppies as we had pups then roads we couldn't hike in the winter. Yeah excuses but we are at it again. The humans around here have that attitude so remember they are a reflection of you so they too adopt that - oh we will get to it. We are actually very active even when we can't hike with retrieve and silly games but nothing like a huge romp with some new pals or a long hike to get you downright sleepy and tired and burn those calories.

Well, Fiona was eating extra food as she needs to gain a tad bit of weight. the crew had eaten theirs and was waiting to see if she would leave it. One came up close and she gave him a warning. Abs decided she would also give a warning as that was hers if Fiona was going to walk away. See what I mean...if it suits her.

Don't ever think the Havanese aren't smart. Their little brains are churning thinking up new things. It's better than TV.

Talking about TV, I can't wait till the new shows come on so we can do body hugs together and watch TV. It's those moments I treasure!

Till later!


More Havanese Picnic Photos: Thanks, Jean!

Thanks to Jean, we have a number of new photos added to the slideshow. Her photos are noted with her name next to the filename.

Check them out.

Here's a photo Jean captured of Nathan getting his doggie lovin' in.

Would you expect anything else? Enjoy!


Be Still My Heart: Havanese Living & Enjoying Life

Hey guys, I am Risa - the black dog with white feet. That's why my champion name is Whitesox. I tend to manage the crew here but the humans here just won't stop till we are all having fun.

That human daddy was getting me going and at first the rest of the crew went - dare we play with the 'boss'? But play they did.

We just uploaded a video from the picnic hoping you will enjoy. What has become abundantly clear is we like to play no matter where we are. Maybe it's that Abs that won't stop or those humans or...but forgive us as we tend to be all over that video as we were the ones moving our ahems off and crashing on the way home.

Oh, there are plenty of the others human and canine alike but like we said - we are used to having CRAZY fun. Enjoy!

PS: Disregard the jerky nature. That human daddy is still learning. We all have to do that for the rest of our lives. HA!


Katsuro & All Those Gals


If you don't know me - bear with me and I will tell you a story...I am a boy dog and I was invited to Rita & Yvonne's picnic and there were so many gal dogs that my tongue was hanging out of my mouth.

My name is Kat and I wouldn't leave Abigail alone or anyone else that gave me a wink. My human says I need to get a life but Rita just had girls in heat in that yard and then if that wasn't bad enough, I went to Yvonne's to see my kids - yeah I get to have all the fun and Lola gets all the work. I know - you will say typical guy but give me a break. Did she ask me to help? ha!

I get to Yvonne's and I am banished from the house as Flora is flirting with me. See - it's not ALL MY FAULT!

Well, the humans met a lot of great people but the human mom was behind the camera too much. Next year when she has her own, she is going to do it with a photographer like she did last year. We wanted to do our own puppy picnic again this year but exhibiting at dog shows and watching dogs stopped life but we adore the dogs is WORTH IT!

The human mom wishes she had more time with everyone and there are so many new dogs and many missing dogs from years past. Precious little ones.

We saw amazing dogs that were worth watching like the Moj - my grandpa, soaking in a pail of ice meant to cool the drinks (it was bloody hot). Such a smart dog. Many were trying out the agility stuff. Plus the run-like-hell game was a tradition that was practiced over and over.

Fiona thought she could protect the water bowls even trying to keep the Moj away from them but that human said - uh uh. Abs was leading the pack at times saying 'catch me.' No wonder she doesn't have her top hair - silly gal but fun she was having and to those humans - well that's how they like it.

On the way home the crew slept like they hadn't slept for a week. Nothing like expeling energy.

To all the people we met and all the ones we didn't have enough time to chat with - deepest apologies but we are hoping we managed to catch some of your dogs. Do try to connect with us sometime and visit us when you are around our neck of the woods.

Watch for the slideshow tomorrow after our show. Yep - we have a show in the morning.


Achieving Happiness With Your Havanese

One would think this was about YOU achieving happiness but its about your Havanese achieving happiness.

We went into this venture with our original dog, Shoshi. She had the coat from hell (doesn't any longer). I learned a great deal from her. I learned if Nathan got up every 2 hours, the dog would be totally house trained or is that Nathan that would be?

I learned what unconditional love was really about and how a little dog can figure out what you need and fill that spot. Shoshi's person is Nathan but make no mistake, she appeases me to no end and when I fell last winter, she was the first to lick my face and she is the first to see what's wrong if I bang myself and scream an ear curdling sound - that is next to Katsuro.

I also learned to take a photo of a dark haired dog and see their face. I also figured out that messy has more character than just combed but that doesn't mean you should neglect combing but rather that you enjoy that they smoosh their face 2 minutes after you brush them.

As we added dogs, I also understood that each has their very own personality and job within the pack - that is if the pack is a balanced - functioning one. I also figured out if it is not, the visitors overnight would not work. I am thankful that although they have their quirks, they are indeed that.

I also learned that it took a puppy - Abigail to get Shoshi playing fully with back feet planted on the ground and paws up as if she is dancing. Shoshi has learned a great deal from the pack and they have helped her find her spot, her balance and her play. Yes, even a puppy can do that.

If you pay attention to your dogs - you can learn a great deal.


Paradise Havanese Style

It can't get better than this. The humans brought us in the pool, laid out towels on the chairs for us and we don't even have hair enough to warrant a brush other than our ears and tail.

If you simply have an active lifestyle - well cut them down. They will always grow back. This is Sassy and Coach enjoying the backyard and Sebastians over too.

We hear Louis may be coming to play too. Oh my - lots of fun dawgies to play with.

That's dawgie paradise!