
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


Day 11: Nails

Here's the nail cutting gallery. As you can see the colour on this boy is bleeding through. If colour is your thing, he is going to be a gorgeous coloured boy. To me you live with personality. Keep that in mind. A dog too active, too dominant or too subdued for your lifestyle no matter how colourful is hard to live with. You need to pay attention to the dog that fits with you. 

Here's a few more photos

I have seen way too many dogs from those that breed for colour that are hyper (yes hyper) placed with seniors. Or someone who wanted one that would run with them and all they want to do is nap. 

I can't tell you the personalities on each fully till later on. I can't even give you an initial idea as they are not mobile, interacting and deal with competition. For example a brother that pounces on them etc. These things are very important. You watch. You set up situations where you test the waters, so to speak and you figure out their temperament. It's not a 1 day test. This watching happens every single day. Many things you do not see.

You can't make a very busy dog quiet or visa versa. You can't make a submissive dog a dominant. Sure you can cultivate some of it but they are who they are. You have just trained them to be a bit more quiet or a bit more busy or less pushing that envelope. Think of Trouble. We don't have over the top busy dogs (there are some cropping up of late (not from us but it happens) - sigh) but we do have the busy Trouble who needs interactions. She would not do well in a single dog home. 

So, if I cringe about colour, it's for a good reason. We are all attracted to colour but keep in mind that dog may or may not be the right one for you. Many a person has sat down at our visits and realized that dog they think is eye catching is simply too much to handle. Yes, we will take the dog back at anytime but we like to give the pup a forever home. Call me selfish but I think they deserve that. 

So have fun with the colour but give them all a chance. You will get an incredible match that way.

Now back to Jeannie's pups. They are now 11 days old. Here are the weights.

Boy 1 pictured above:

Born 6-3/4oz  Now: 1lb 4-1/8 oz


Born 6oz Now: 1lb 1-7/8 oz

Jeannie like tri Boy

Born 6oz Now: 1lb 1-2/8oz

They will slim out like Jeannie pups do when they start walking.

Here are the videos:

Little Moves

Day 11

The Morning Nap

Jeannie Feeding Spice Pup


Oh Sleep!

We eat, we sleep, we eat, we sleep. Here's today's gallery. The pups gained quite a bit last night. They are all over a pound now. They will start losing when they walk. This crew eat, then sleeps and don't go far. Thats' why they are gaining so much beyond the fact that they have a very flush milk bar.

The pups will level off when they become active. Activity for this crew will be when eyes are opened. 

I have to feed pups and wash dogs so my time is limited. Sorry.


Pups Huddle

Blankie Snuggles

Sleep Moves

But Mommy

Just the Pups

Wee Hours Lights Out

Small Moves

Almost 10 Days



Comparing Sizes: Gallery Added

Click on Photo for Larger ViewFrom Left to Right Spice to Roxie

Click on Photo for Larger ViewLeft to Right Smallest Spice and Jeannies

Click on Photo for Larger ViewLargest from Left Jeannie, Roxie and Spice

Interesting enough Jeannie's largest one now has colours bleeding through. He's going to be a gorgeous tri.

I wanted to get more comparisons but they are not cooperating and just adds stress. Sorry. Kat is in crazy mode as Inula is in her height of heat. Listening to his nin stop barking when Dennis is supposed to be sleeping is fun - not. She has 2 more weeks of heat. Oh my.

Here is the gallery of my attempts at getting the, to stay still so I could click. Fay chance.


9 Days Old

The pups have slowed down on weight gain but are gaining daily. They are edging up on when we watch for the eyes opening. I now see slits. From 10 days on it is possible but I will tell you I had one wait till day 20. It is not an indicator of anything on when they open. They just become more aware and mobile when it happens. Exciting times are in store.

I decided to do a video showing you each puppy. Here it is. It's easier than getting Nathan to hold pups for photos at this time. Hope you understand. When Dennis is up, I am grooming and doing baths. When he is sleeping Nathan is with the dogs and I am with the pups.

Here are today's videos:

Trio Sleeping

Helping Hand

Deep Sleep

Jeannie With Her Babies

Pups Hugging

Sarah With Jeannie Pups

Jeannie on Back

Eat and Eat

Eating Away


8 Days Old

Here is today's gallery.

Still can't believe the pups are 8 days old. This journey started 8 days ago. wow! Then 4 days later Spice then 2 days later Rox. So the pups are 8, 4 and 2. That means the most the pups are just 6 days apart. They are close in age so we will be able to put them together early on. But Jeannies are so big and the rest so small but Jeannie's have started to slow down in weight gain and that will allow the others to catch up somewhat. Looking back Jeannie's pups get plump fast then start walking and slow down where Spice and Roxie is slow and steady. One has arrived at 1pound.

Here is today's gallery.

I do not expect the other 2 litters to be the same weight at 8 days simply due to the fact that they have less milk slots. But one thing we have learned is fat early growth does not mean big as an adult. Funny how that works out. Jeannie is small and Caddie is larger but not large.

Here are the Videos:

Just Catching Zzzzs

Where's 3

Late Night Loving

Early Morning Mess

Sleep Cuddle

Not many videos today but they are sleeping each time I try to take videos. It happens. They are gorgeous sleeping. :-) But not much to view when they are not moving.


1 Week Old

Can you believe her beauties are 1 week old already? Jeannie has a system. She goes in when she is full of milk. They eat, she cleans them and then she cools herself off on the floor. They want for nothing. Every once in awhile one is behind her and it's as if she says - well I am here. Come around the front. I help her but I have to laugh. I think she counts on me and that's okay.

They look so huge next to the Spice and Roxie pups. 

At birth, puppies are blind and deaf, unable to regulate body temperature, or even urinate or defecate on their own. Mom has to stimulate them to go. 

From birth, puppies are able to use their sense of smell and touch, which helps them root about the nest to find their mother's scent-marked breasts. The first milk the mother produces, called colostrum, is rich in antibodies that provide passive immunity and help protect the babies from disease during these early weeks of life.

All their energy, at this point is funneled into growing. They actually eat then sleep. Their only time awake is usually when feeding. 

But the 2nd to 3rd week is when the fun begins. That is when eyes open and their world changes. They become aware of their environment and they become more active.

Here is today's gallery.

They are also good at maneuvering from here to there when they need to. 

Here are the videos:

Mr. Stretch

Very Comfie

Last Night Cleaning

1 Week Comfort

On Back Last Night

Night Before a Week

Last Night Feeding

Cleaning and Feeding

Not Quite a Week

Early Morn Watch

Can You Believe 1 Week

1 Week Snuggle

Yep, 1 Week Old

J Hangs With Babies

Feeds and Feeds


6 Days Old

Here's today's gallery. It's small but I was trying to do it all. Best I could do. Can you believe tomorrow they will be a week old? They started this process of puppy fun. It's so much work but so rewarding too.

Pups are gaining reasonably now. They are active and doing really well.

Jeannie was stressed at 4am as she wanted Roxie's pups. You may even see her in some of the Roxie videos trying to figure out how to get in. Things have settled down. 

I live for bed at 10pm. May push it to 930. I figure one full night sleep, maybe I will feel human. 

Looking forward to seeing the pups mobile. With them being so close, we will be able to merge them together. It's going to be fun.


Jeannie 6 Day Loving


2 and 1

Kissing Up Pups

Into Comfort

Little Movements


5 Days Old

Loving Those babies... 5 days old - can you believe? Here is today's gallery.

Jeannie moved to the middle xpen to make room for Roxie. Not that Roxie is imminent. She is taking her time but we need to be ready. I also didn'r realized that I still had my hemostats and other supplies in the car from our run to the vets. Now they are all in their place awaiting Roxie. 

Jeannie is adjusting to the middle pen. She's making herself a pain looking over at Spices litter - of course.

Jeannie pups have slowed down on weight gain - thankfully. :-) They are now gaining less than an ounce a day but close to it. They are plump, mobile and loving the attention mom gives them.

Can you believe 5 days already?

Here are some videos.

Jeannie's New Digs


Paparazzi and Brushing

Last Night Lovin

Last Night Feeding

Cooling Off and Checking

Sitting Vigil

Just 5 Days Old

Just Morning


4 Days Old

Here's today's gallery. I am amazed I got it done. heh I am going back and forth between pens.

The daughter watched the dogs for 2 hours while I napped and showered. After that car ride today, I needed it. Nathan was in with the wee pups. Pups are doing really well. Jeannie is an amazing mom. 

Here are some videos to get you by. They look so fat when you look at Spice's tiny ones.

On His Back

Relaxed Pups

Remember Me

Hungry Ones

Eating 4 Days Old


3 Days Old

It's been an insanely busy day today. Two days of this is a lot. hahahaha

So videos may or may not make it up. Here's the gallery.

Pups are well. Jeannie no longer has a tummy issue - hooray. No more profuse output. Giving birth does that to caninbe and human moms. It just disturbs your balance till it plays recovery. 

You see this setup? Jeannie is a smart dog. I had that brown and white blanket laid flat. She set it up to surround her babies and give her a head rest. I have to love her desire for comfort.