
Unfortunately starting in the New Year, our costs will go up. Please contact nathan for updated costs.

Picnic Photos & Details

The picnic date took place on August 17, 2019 from 12pm to 5pm at Yvonne's place in Brighton. Check out the details here. Photos from the 2019 picnic can be found here. Yvonne's place is NEXT DOOR to her old place. I will try to put a havanese flag out front. Hope you can join us. Directions are here. The house # is 25. There is no picnic in 2020 due to COVID but hopefully in 2021. Stay Tuned!

Grooming 101

Want to see how I get a smooth coat and what equipment I use? I am continually learning and perfecting but I created this video Windows version) and for you Mac apple folks - here's a conversion. - not a professional one, to help you get a head start and perfect your own skill. Got questions? Ask away.

Want to know how to create a bathing machine that will save you time, product and wash your dog better than ever before? Check out Dick and Irma's instructions on how to create your own machine for a fraction of the cost.

Woofstock Is Back

Meet us at Woofstock. Dogs are welcomed. We meet at the restaurant across the street from Woodbine Park. Here is the location. Meet up happens on June 22, 2024 at 9:30 to 945am. Rain date is the next day. Look forward to seeing your havanese there and the humans too! Don't have your havanese yet? Well join us anyway! 

Award Photos
Friends & Associates
Certified Pet First Aid

Walks 'N' Wags Pet First Aid is a recognized National Pet First Aid Certificate course for dog and cat professionals and pet owners. Talemaker Havanese now has that certificate having taken and passed the course.


12 Days Old

Click on Photo for Larger View

The pups are 12.5 days old now. You can see the start of slits on their eyes. Can't wait till they open. The pups enjoy the holding, kisses and stroking. Everyone has been conditioned really well. 

I posted a photo of Truffie up on the All About Our Dogs blog. As you can see he has a brown nose. He also has brown on his pads. His eyes are brown. He is a chocolate. Roxie 'could' be a carrier of chocolate and so could Envy so I watched and placed the pups in the light to see what colour the pigment was. Are these brindles or are they chocolates. Look at the pigment on this one. It is black so he is either a brindle or a sable. His colour came in irregular in the first few days so I suspect that they are brindles. Brindles and sables are so similar. You notice the irregular pattern of the hair when it is short vs. long. 

Pups have all reached a pound. They are now 3 days behind the Adele pups but really that's nothing. It's just data that I keep to know. 

Once the pups start walking they gain slowly as they are burning off calories. But they still gain. If they gained an ounce a day till they went home, can you imagine how huge they would be? No worries. That doesn't happen. When they stop gaining you know it is time to introduce food. We usually do that about 4 weeks. Adele's pups have a week to go and these pups have 2 weeks. If Adele's pups are still gaining, I will delay their introduction. 

Here are the videos.

Mom, They Need Access

Mom's move and you think it's awful. Why are they moving when the pup is trying to get to them? One would initially think oh my gad what are you doing, mom. But over the years you watch and you get what they are doing. Moms purposely make the pups come to them. Why? They want them to strengthen their limbs. By forcing the situation they accomplish this. Everything is done with a goal at the end.

Making Sure Babies Are Ok

Me and the Pups

12 Days Old

After Bedding Change

Late Night Stretch

On Close Watch

Going to Snooze

Crew Asleep

Going to Sleep

1030PM Sleep

Pile Up Time

Loving and Cleaning

Eating a Ton

They Are All Mine

Eating Again


Pups are more substantial in feel now. They no longer feel fragile. They have round bellies and you can see personalities. Do you remember what age Adele pups opened their eyes?


11 Days Old

Click on Photo for Larger View

Now we do the wait to see when their eyes are open. Ring on neck boy is still 1/2 ounce away from 1 lb. I suspect by tonight he will reach the mark.

It's interesting at how at this stage they eat, they sleep, they squirm around and rest their paws under the head or on a toy. It's a real sedate but interesting stage as it's the lull before the storm so to speak. Once their eyes open everything changes. They start interacting, strengthening their limbs and reacting to what they see. I can't wait. 

From spending a lot of time holding the pups they have all arrived at being comfie in your hands. Here is today's gallery.

Here is today and last night's video.

Rox Mid Morning

Relaxed Feeding

Got to Check

Taking in Zzzzs

Staying Close

Some Feeding, Some Not

Circle of Love

Wee Hour Cuddles

Can't Get Back

Feeding Frenzy

Milk Bar Open

Covered Her Pups

Pups in Sunlight


10 Days and Two 1 Pound: Gallery Added

Click on Photo for Larger ViewThis is #1 and #2 and they both reached a pound this morning. Well #2 reached it last night. How can I tell each apart? One has lighter colour under his neck and on his tummy and one has dark. There are other differences but I had to find something that distinguished each and that was it. 

Can you believe they are 10 days already?

Here is today's gallery.

Here are their weights this morning. (B)=Birth (T)=Today

Puppy 1 

(B)6-7/8 (T)1lb 3/4oz

Puppy 2

(B)6-1/2 (T)1lb 1oz

Puppy 3 (ring)

(B)5-5/8 (T)14 3/8

Puppy 4 (who is actually a TRI as he has eyebrows bleeding through)

(B)6-5/8 (T)15-7/8

Puppies are eating well. They are navigating throughout the whelping box. In less than a week they too will be out of the whelping box and the pups will get to start at each other. They won't be placed together till they can handle it. 

Here is last nights and today's videos.

After Bedding Change

Early Morn Watch

Just Before 7am

Feeding in Bed

Warm Not Touching

Late Morn Cleaning

Siesta on Back

Almost 6am
When its night and the lights are out you get this black and white view. This is how we see them at night when it is dark in the room.

Night Time Vigil

Belly Up Exposures

She Coddles Her Pups

More Rox Feeding

Back Sleeping

Fat Belly Kids

Afternoon Delight


One Pound

One has reached exactly 1 pound tonight. We will see if any of the other boys join him tomorrow.


9 Days Old

Here is today's gallery. I know not as exciting as the Adele pups as they are still in squirm, eat and sleep mode but they will get there. Remember they are only 8.5 days behind. They are strong things as they make their way clear across the whelping box many times a day. Even though eyes are not open they already are revealing their personalities and they love to be held.

We will be placing both litters together eventually.

They are getting substantial in weight. The one with the ring around the neck will be smaller than the siblings. Don't expect any to be huge but this one will be small. His head is smaller, his feet are smaller. He has smaller features. 

I can't wait till their eyes open and I would love to be the 1st to see them open like I was with Adele's.

Here are today and last night's videos.

9 Day Hug Fest

Feeding Rox Treats After Grooming

Puppy Adoration

Round Tummies


Late Last Night

More Late Night

Day 9

Cuddling Up to Bro

Night Cuddles

Sleep Moves

Feeding and Watching


8 Days Old

Click on Photo for Larger ViewPups are now enjoying strokes and touches. They do kiss. It's so nice! They are a tad behind the Adele pups on weight gain now. They seem a bit more active than Adele's were at this stage. When I say a tad. I mean literally and ounce or two. 

They still continue to gain, move, snuggle with mom and life is good. Can't wait till their eyes are open but we have time for that.


Puppy Yawn

After Roxie's Bath

8 Day Afternoon

I am keenly aware that if I place dark blankets or pads with these pups you almost can't see them.

Always Taking Care

Back Feeding

Wee Hour Feeding

Nighty Night

Half On Half Off

Side by Side

Moms Work Never Done

2 and 2

Just Sleep

Toy Hugging

Pile Up Sleep


Big One Week Old: Gallery Added

Click on Photo for Larger ViewToday we are going to cut their nails of both litters. We will be adding those photos to a gallery and adding that link later tonight. Dennis is still sleeping and I want to be able to click and not get interrupted by the adults. That means Dennis has to be up. 

There have been changes. Dennis is now sleeping in-between feedings but he still seems to need a full day sleep. I think its called interrupted sleep where you just never quite feel rested. This too shall pass.

Pups have now all reached double their birth rate but just barely. Adele's were a bit over. What that means is nothing really except its one of the datas I track. 

Pups now have voices when stuck under a blanket. I have a toy in the box that crinkles. They seem to love crawling over it. I am not sure if its due to the feel or what as they can't hear yet. When using that same toy in Adele's box those pups seem disinterested. We all have our own tastes. :-)

Roxie continues to dote on her pups and tries to dote on Adeles. Now, Roxie those aren't your babies. 

Last night and Today's Videos - Gallery is now here. Sorry some not good as battery was dying. 

Feed and Chill

Just Pups

Almost Noon Meal

7 Day Feasting

Week Old Loving

Just Turned a Week

Semi-Pile Up

530am Slumber

Almost a Week Old

Quiet By Myself

Pack Sleep

Settling In

Going to Sleep

Still Feeding

After 930PM

Sleeping With Her Babies

Tails Up Feeding

More Feeding

Feeding 4

Watching Over

Sleeping and Moving

The Regal Roxie

6.5 Days Old

Early Eve Clean Up

Feeding Of Course


6 Days Old: Videos Added

Here is a gallery showing the apricot bleeding through. Puppy 2 is now shown. He has no colour bleed through. For now he still remains dark through his face. The black and white has very minor bleed through and she is shown. 

The boy that doesn't have bleed through can still get some. His face is a very dark brown. He as well as all the browns have a variety of colour in their coat.

Here are last night and today's videos.

Afternoon Slumber

5.5 Days Old

Back Comfort

3 Amigos Plus 1

Sound Asleep

Almost 6 Days Old

Always Feeding

Lil Ones You Are Done

Who's the Lil' One

Lights Out

Night Moves

6 Days Old

Giving Easy Access

Not Clean Enough

Early Morn Zzzzs

Cleaning Pups

Pups are right on track with weight gain at approximately what Adele pups were at the same age. Roxie is a doting mom. 


5 Days Old

Click on Photo for Larger View

Pups are now 5 days old. In another week they will be at the stage Adele's pups are at. It's going to be a fun journey.

Two of the boys are lightening up in the face. An apricot colour is starting to bleed through. It's the same colour as the ring around neck boy has on his leg. 

The pups are eating. One is already stubborn about getting held on its back. I hold the pups MANY times a day so by the time eyes are open they don't go who is this bleepin giant that is holding me in place. I want them to relate to me with strokes, snuggles and confidence. The things we do are all for a reason and it starts when they are born.

These 2 litters are going to be fun. I can feel it.

Here are last nights and today's videos.

Rox Taking Care of Her Babies

Wriggly Feeding

Deep Snoozing

4.5 Days Old

Good Morning Pups

Always Milk

Last Night Eating

Pup in Corner

Day 5


Weights Plus More

Here's today's Gallery. I will add more as I go through the day. I will make a note here when I do.

(B)= Birth (T)= Today

4th Full Day Now

1st born boy  (B) 6-7/8 (T) 10-1/8

2nd born boy (B) 6-1/2 (T) 10-1/8

3rd born boy (B) 5-5/8 (T) 8-1/2

4th born boy (B) 6-5/8 (T) 10

Now that they are larger they are starting to gain an ounce in a 24 hour period. In comparison on the 4th day Adele's pups were, 9-7/8, 10-3/8, 10-3/4, 9-3/8 and 8-3/4. As you can see they are similar in size and Adele's started out larger at birth.

Last night and today's videos.

Over 3 Days Old

Evening Feast

Belly Up

Puppy Movements

With Mom

Night Stretches

Catching Sleep

Some Eating

Are You Out There?

Are You Okay?

Afternoon Clean Up

4th Day 1030am

Eating Well

Finding the Milk Slot

Almost Day 4

Just Day 4

630am Feeding

Pups are doing really well. They eat, they sleep, they move around. Life couldn't be better.