It's very quiet here. Only Jesse, Murphy and Elvis here since this afternoon. Jesse and Murphy won't be doing till the first week in April when Momma gets back from Australia.
I got half the dogs combed out.
Here is the gallery.
Think it is time to watch movies. Play with dogs, learn something new. So much righteousness and doom and gloom with nothing else but in news, Facebook, twitter etc. Maybe its just my feeds that are dominantly that. There is no escaping. In some ways I think social media is toxic for mental health. I suggest everyone do the same and only connect and visit areas of upbeat nature. I am going to try to give balance here by talking dogs. Despite that we have lots to worry about, we must have balance to get us through. My limit was when someone attacked me for taking Kat to the vet then in a further message they were out walking their dogs and was chatting to their neighbour about the state of things. Huh Do as I say, not as I do. This experience sure brought the good out in some and the real nasties in others.
I really appreciate everyone caring about Kat. I keep hoping I wake up and not miss him so but that will take time. I spent the most time with him. Nathan asked how I was as he was worried about me. I said I miss him. He said - me too. He said he was your dog. He is right - other than swimming - a true passion they shared and can't be discounted, Kat was my dog. I miss his snuggling with me at night. I need to get past this - truly. I need to be positive in these crazy times.
Looking forward to puppies, fresh air, swimming pool, - even if that brings memories and maybe weeding. Last time I checked, garden shopping is not an essential so not sure how that will affect my garden pals. I feel for them. We will see how it all unfolds but we will have pups playing, enjoying and loving each other up. Now that's special no matter what the world is doing.
Dogs did have a run today. They LOVED, LOVED, Loved it and that means Dennis is starting to get back to normalcy. I did training with the pups. We played a hide and seek game. It felt good to play treats with the pups and a snuffle mat.
Tomorrow brings more grooming. Winston comes for a spruce up and play. We are looking forward to it!
I am slowly learning sublimation. I am converting my Epson. My goal is to put puppy names on bags to go home and if I can figure it out but I am keeping my mind busy. What are you doing positive during these isolation times?
I should organize my cabinets - nah. hahahahaha
Our grandson in North Carolina - its his bday tomorrow - mine is on the 24th - my fathers was the 25th. We were talking about what to do to celebrate. His idea is he should play video games and I can watch online and cheer him on. I can do that! My daughter, the groomer is still grooming at the vets and is busier than usual. She is thankful she has an income. She said even non tippers were tipping. That gives me hope that people care. They get dogs from cars and message people and use alcohol and disinfectant to clean money and wash hands. 99% of people pay only with cash around her. Gyms are still open. I was surprised. Store shelves are empty especially organic items or vegetarian foods. She eats clean. What was the most interesting thing she said was people are lined up to buy guns. She was serious. She ended the conversation saying - I think I am stuck in crazy land and can't figure out how to get out. She says I may be the only person without a gun before this finishes. Do I need a gun, mom? I said no. I do not live where she lives but I hope it was the right advice.
This daughter loves the dogs as much as we do. There are dog lovers and then there are dog lovers and the dogs will get her by. For that I am glad. I am ever so thankful for the dogs - our own, those we bred, visitors - all of it. They each bring something to your life that is unique. Without the dogs life would be empty.
Till tomorrow - sorry about the rambling. Time to groom some more.