Windy and Rainy
It was rainy then windy and well we survived another facetime. The issue is Nathan says let me do it as I coach from behind (bad habit) and so I let him do it. LOL He hates coaching - is that what nagging is called? Just teasing!
Spirit is the most interesting color these days.
During facetime today the dogs until going out was just chilling. It rained enough that our pool (you may see in the gallery) has water sitting on it. Tomorrow they open it up and i suspect it is green. We will be trudging to the pool store for parking lot pick up unless I can find chemicals in the pool house. I am thankful it will be open. With this weather I suspect we have weeks to get it ready. LOL
We did manage to clean the 2 decks, We had blown debris and well it was looking grungy out there as it usually is at this time of the year. I noticed my strawberries in the pots are starting to grow. I forgot to cover them over winter so bonus.
I have to say that I miss actual people coming over to share the dogs with them. It makes me smile. Hoping that by 6 week visit, it will come to be. Wouldn't that be nice.
We have had 3 consecutive power interruptions. It is blowing like crazy.
The dogs are out in the wind again having a grand time!